An affordable alternative for treating and managing chronic foot injuries
Wearable, Cost efficient and easy to build
Free access technology available to everyone
HealSoleTM is an innersole that creates negative pressure under the foot sole by solely walking on it. This negative pressure stimulates circulation and the immune system boosting the healing response.
In contrast to other existing negative pressure devices, HealSoleTM does not require to be connected to external vacuum pumps.
– Wearable and low cost
– A”dev ops” approach that brings personalized medicine to the medical practice
– Download designs and get materials
– Cut, print and glue
– Fit it in your shoe and wear
InnerHeal advantages

By creating negative pressure HealSole induces differential forces over the sole surface that improve local circulation and stimulate immune cells.
Negative pressure has been studied and validated to treat chronic bounds trough several studies, specially in diabetic patients.
Negative pressure once needed hospitalization, external electric pumps and other cumbersome and expensive apparel. HealSole replaces all these in a DIY convenient solution.
Linds provides the first Free Access technology for biomedical and health care use
-We combine free licenses originally developed for software with trademarks and fair branding conditions that respect your freedom as a priority.
-We freely share and offer our designs and technology. You will be also able to order on line out the box solutions at our website soon.
-We engage a community. Whatever you are a somebody affected by chronic injuries, physician, designer, tester or just want to contribute.
Our first alpha release is available for download for testing purposes. Currently, this release and its derived developments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
– Generating knowledge is generating wealth and a key for wellness. During our career as developers and creators we experienced the dependence of resources as well as on rhetoric. This is unfair to creators and make no sense to society since resource allocation and rhetoric today can be performed by machines.
–By giving the freedom and empowerment to modify, distribute, use and build to all the users, including us as the initial creators, we reduce the dependence of medical technology on the above factors and also facilitates personalized solutions for any use.
–Linds was founded to preserve this freedom and empowerment. We make available licenses based in copyright and trademarks to identify our technology and that also give to present or future creators the possibility to monetize their work.
10 Tyler St.
02143 Somerville, MA
United Sates of America